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Shi Young Choi


Shi Young Choi is a Korean violist currently featuring in Los Angeles. Energetic yet controlled, her playstyle reflects her love of classical music. She plays as a solo, a member of the orchestra, and as a part of the Arancia Quartet along with her sisters. 


As a part of the ensemble, she recently collaborated with the city of Seoul and performed numerous concert series with her trio. The ensemble was named the first-prize winner in the Manhattan International Music Competition. Ms.Choi performed as a violist of Arancia Quartet at Carnegie Hall for a winner concert in 2022. 

Notable musical education includes her time at Cleveland Institute of Music under Jeffery Irvine and Lynn Ramsey who is an assistant principal violist at The Cleveland Orchestra. Ms. Choi also received coaching from Cavani Quartet at Cleveland Institute of Music and went to Bowdoin Music Festival. 

She has held the position of principal violist of the Cleveland Women’s Orchestra.
As of 2021, she has been appointed as a section violist of the Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra.

Solo Video

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